
To request more information about Amiga technology solutions, fill out the following form or contact us at these addresses. If you fill out this form, be sure to complete all italized fields.

I am a:
Software vendor/developer
Hardware vendor/developer
Multimedia or graphic design firm
Teacher or educator
Professional videographer or Animator
Home User

I am contacting Amiga Inc. because:
I want to become a licensee of Amiga technology.
I want to become a reseller or distributor of Amiga products.
I make or sell a hardware device that I wish to make compatible with the Amiga OS.
I make a software product which I'd like to port to the Amiga OS.
I currently use Amiga technology and I want to learn more.
I have never used Amiga technology and would like to learn about it for the first time.

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Corporate Contacts at Amiga, Inc.

Sales inquiries should be directed to Amiga International.
General inquiries can be directed to
Comments and suggestions about this web-site can be directed to

You may also contact our headquarters at (605) 23-AMIGA or reference our corporate information pages for more contact information.

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